What are Permeable Pavers?
Permeable Pavers the most Eco-friendly solution for your outdoor spaces
Permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP) are unique, environmentally-conscious paving stones that provide a number of benefits over other interlocking pavers.
Permeable pavers are designed to act as a system of concrete pavers that utilize varying layers of stone to provide a superior outdoor paving solution that supplies 100% surface permeability. Permeable pavers are the perfect option to transform an outdoor space to an area that's both functional and appealing. The stones within the joints between each paver allows water to enter and flow through the open-graded base established by the stone layers. The water then either releases into a storm sewer or is gradually absorbed back into the ground, depending on your soil type.
Why install permeable pavers
Regardless of soil type, the benefits of permeable pavers and their open-graded stone bases are numerous, particularly in areas prone to drought conditions. Permeable pavers ease draining issues and eliminate standing water - and any pesky mosquito problems that often come with it - while also potentially acting as a water harvesting system. Further, the stones within the permeable pavers' joints filter the water as it flows through, leading to cleaner water with reduced pollutants.
Eminent Pavers specializes in permeable pavers installation and we can assist you in fully realizing your plans for an environmentally-conscious permeable pavers solution, from driveway pavers to patio pavers. We complement our personal, one-on-one approach with cutting edge technology and a steadfast dedication to long-lasting, high-quality work. Set up a free consultation with one of our experienced and friendly Project Managers today. Learn more about a Eminent Pavers design consultation.
Conserving water
During one of Californias worst ever droughts water conservation is so important. Homeowners can even acquire fines for improper water usage during drought conditions. But even if you aren't under water restrictions, pavers are a good option for saving water and money. Some cities are even offering water rebates for homeowners wanting to remove their grass lawns and install permeable pavers. Contact your city water and power department for more information about if you qualify for a water rebate.